There is a great article today on the BBC News website, about the tory MP for Monmouth, David Davies's comments on a lottery fund grant to travellers, to enable them to make a film about thier heritage. He has published his thoughts via His Blog , which makes an interesting read.
His clumsy attempt to highlight what he thinks is unfairness by the Heritage Lottery Fund, just serves to show his biased and predujiced views against the travelling community.
He states in his defence :-
"Most travellers lead law-abiding lives, but a small minority abuse the system and give the whole travelling community a bad name,"
This is a ridiculous statement. If you substitute "settled folk" (his term) for "travellers", you can see how silly this idea is. He doesn't seem to think that the small minority of "settled folk" who abuse the system give "settled folk" a bad name.
Following on from this, I noted that he has 18 comments on his article on his blog. Intersting? no, actually there were only three genuine posts, one of which had been deleted by DD, all the rest being a new kind of spam (at least, in my experience), where comments posted are thinly veiled adverts to other people's sites. It's amazing how ingeneous spammers can be!