Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Genuine E-Mail from HR dept in Swansea Uni. (honest)

Dear Colleagues

As from Sunday 1st October the Employment Equality Age Regulations came into force.

The Age Regulations which aim to protect all groups of ages will not only affect employment issues such as retirement ages, pensions and recruitment practices but also the way that we interact with our colleagues in the workplace environment. Under the new regulations the following examples could be perceived to be humiliating for the employee involved and potentially amount to harassment.

A colleague in the office turns 50 and, despite knowing that she is sensitive about this, the employee's colleagues buy and send a card with a joke stereotyping 50 year olds.
Commonly making jokes at the expense of the youngest member of the team. He is constantly told that he is "wet behind the ears".
Teasing or jokes about the age of those with whom an individual associates can also be an example of potential harassment.
An employee has a father working in the same workplace. People often tell jokes about "old fogies" and tease the employee about teaching "old dogs new tricks".
Constant reference to an individual that they are "over the hill".

If you have any queries regarding the new legislation please contact myself or Bethan Lewis, Equal Opportunities Officer, or one of the Personnel Officers. A briefing session is being planned with the Staff Development Unit for the autumn.

A full copy of the University's Age policy can be found at http://www.swan.ac.uk/media/Media,6611,en.pdf .

David Williams

Director of Human Resources


Blogger chris said...

I'm upset, but thanks to my alzheimers I can't remember why....

7:24 pm  

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