Sunday, March 19, 2006

Memories of my youth (again)

There is a wondrous smell in the kitchen at the moment.

Ben Donald (who god preserve) of Mumbles, appeared like a vision on Saturday, bearing gifts of two fine home, and hand, made pasties.

We had been chatting some time ago, and he happened to mention that he makes proper Cornish style pasties at home, and wondered if I would like to try one. Silly question!. Anyway, the oven went on an hour ago, and I was amazed to be transported back to my youth.

My father used to play Rugby for a local team, Swansea Uplands, and whilst he was performing, I and a few of the other kids, would skulk around the back of the club getting up to mischief. Soon after half time, a magical smell would issue forth from the clubhouse kitchen, because Freddie Bourne, the groundsman, had put the pasties for the teams in the oven to warm through. There were always a few spare for us boys to beg out of the sympathetic hands of Freddie, and I can taste them now. I can picture him clearly, with an old Mac' tied with baling twine, scruffy wellies, and a tatty flat hat, and always a cheeky smile and time for us kids.

So I have to thank Ben for more than just some excellent pasties, but also some fine memories to wash them down with.


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