Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What happened to Reginald Molehusband?

the BBC has reminded me of a classic public information film, which has unfortunately, gone missing. They describe it as:-

"A classic of its genre, and quoted even today by people who fondly remember it, it featured a character called Reginald Molehusband.
He was a driver in an Austin 1100 who could not park his car properly. His name became shorthand for anyone whose driving skills were not up-to-scratch "

Often, when our family witness a crap piece of reverse parking, or even a good bit, someone will exclaim "well done Reginald Molehusband!" either sarcastically, or as praise.
It's amazing how a phrase from a short PIF from the seventies (?) has entered into our family vocabulary. We even explained it to Dylan the other day, so perhaps it will live on for another generation at least.

The script went :-

"This is the story of Reginald Molehusband, married, two children, whose reverse parking was a public danger (brakes and gears crunching).
People came from miles just to see it.
Bets were laid on his performance.
What he managed to miss at the back, he was sure to make up for at the front.
Bus drivers and taxis changed their routes to avoid him.
Until the day that Reginald Molehusband did it right (sound of reversing).
Not too close, far enough forward... come on Reginald... and reverse in slowly, watching traffic... (applause from watching crowd) and park perfectly!
Well done! Reginald Molehusband, the safest parker in town. "

Well done Reginald molehusband!


Blogger chris said...


10:30 am  
Blogger chris said...

btw, dave, you can see what i'm doing now @

5:26 pm  

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