Friday, February 10, 2006

Abu Hamza al-Masri (أبو حمزة المصري)

The wikipedia entry for Abu_Hamza makes interesting reading, since his conviction hit the headlines last week. full title, Sheikh Abu Hamza al-Masri (أبو حمزة المصري)

In sentencing, Mr Justice Hughes said Hamza had "helped to create an atmosphere in which to kill has become regarded by some as not only a legitimate course but a moral and religious duty in pursuit of perceived justice".

some Quotes:-

Abu Hamza has claimed that the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster was a sign from God. He said:
"These missions would increase the number of satellites for military purposes. It would increase the slavery of governance of other countries by
America. It is a punishment from God. Muslims see it that way. It is a trinity of evil because it carried Americans, an Israeli and a Hindu, a trinity of evil against Islam. The fact that the motor of the craft fell on Palestine [a town in Texas] – all these are messages from God. It is a strong message, for the Israeli, to be taken up there to space and he spoke about the Holocaust, to try to make religious advancement from it and gain some moral high ground, hence you have seen this message over Palestine."

"Killing of the Kaffir for any reason you can say it is OK, even if there is no reason for it." He called on his followers to poison, ambush and kill non-believers and added: "You must have a stand with your heart, with your tongue, with your money, with your hand, with your sword, with your Kalashnikov. Don't ask shall I do this, just do it." [11].

Of licensors for alcohol sellers he said: "Make sure that the person who gave him the licence for that wine shop doesn't exist any more on the Earth. Finish him up. Give him dawa (inviting non-Muslims to accept the truth of Islam). If he doesn't respect dawa, kill him." [12]

He suggested people called it suicide to put others off it. "It is not called suicide - this is called shahada, martyring, because if the only way to hurt the enemies of Islam except by taking your life for that, then it is allowed.", adding "The person who hinders Allah's rule, this man must be eliminated"

In January 2006 while on trial, he accused the Jewish people of being "blasphemous, treacherous and dirty" and explained that this was "why Hitler was sent into the world". He also called for "a world dominated by a caliph, sitting in the White House" [13] . Whilst under cross-examination Hamza claimed the Jews control the Foreign Office, the media and the money supply in Britain and the USA.[14]


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