Friday, May 26, 2006

kilGORE trout?

Following on from tired of scientology? , if you search on Slave Girl of Gore on Amazon, you reach a surprising result: -

amazon search


conspiracy theorists, answers on a postcard, please...........

On another note, when I eventually got to Captive Of Gor , the reviews were quite enlightening.
The one good review was given 6/6 helpful ratings by amazon readers, and two bad reviews were given 0/4 helpful ratings. That'll be the Goreans, then.

Apparently, the drivel was written by a Professor John Lange (He holds a Ph.D. from Princeton University[1] and is a professor at Queens College of the City University of New York in New York City.) Wiki: - .

I can't believe that: -
a) this guy could publish this stuff in all sincerity, and
b) so many copies were sold.

I guess it speaks volumes about sci-fi geeks with sallow complexions, no mates, and very little willies.

More about Goreans, I hear you say?



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