Wednesday, February 01, 2006


I, for one, was delighted with the defeat of the Religious hatred law today. To me, it shows that we have a functioning democracy.

Any state where all laws are rubber stamped by the legislature as a matter of course, stinks. Please, lets have more commons defeats, more lords overturning. this has to be better for us, freedom and democracy.

I have always felt that a flaw in our political system is that we effectively have one party dictatorship, when one party has a majority, & can push through any legislation that it fancies. Nowhere was this more clear than when we had 18 years of tory/thatcherism.

what would seem better to me is if political parties were banned, and all MP's were free to vote for the good of thier constituents.

How we would then plan for a programme of legislation, or how we would know who to vote for woul have to be radically altered. Perhaps this would be a price worth paying. I'll try to articulate this better in the future....


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