Friday, August 26, 2005


There was an interesting article on the BBC website today, finally debunking the stuff and nonsense that is Homeopathy.
It's good to see common sense being published, instead of "politically correct" pseudo medical views.

In the words of the BBC :-

A leading medical journal has made a damning attack on homeopathy, saying it is no better than dummy drugs. The Lancet says the time for more studies is over and doctors should be bold and honest with patients about homeopathy's "lack of benefit"

A view I have long held.

Funnily enough, the Society of Homeopaths doesn't agree:-

A spokeswoman from the Society of Homeopaths said: "It has been established beyond doubt and accepted by many researchers, that the placebo-controlled randomised controlled trial is not a fitting research tool with which to test homeopathy."

If you don't agree with the results, attack the method, eh? Never mind that this is the universally accepted method for determining the efficacy of new drugs.


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